
Showing posts from May, 2014

Now Spring's Starts to Show What You Have Sown

Few feelings are better than seeing the rippling green leaves of all your newborn seedlings striving to reach the sunlight. The following pseudo-poem is dedicated to Spring. @omnispo 5/15/2014 Now Spring's Starts to Show What You Have Sown  One seed may grow into a Forest of its family members! Now is the Time to Start your Future Food Forest!! One well-loved seed may spawn infinite seeds.  So Now We Sow Every Single Seed You Want to Grow- Plant them right Now! Whether in the rain or sunshine! Start and plant them NOW! The sooner the seed sprouts roots into the soil to become a seedling, the more fruits, nuts & seeds will be yielded by Your "CroPlanTree"! Stop & Seize the present moment of NOW to sow the seeds of your dreams in sunny soil! Carpe Semilla! (Seize the Seed!) One spark alights thousands of flames. May both Your Actual Plant Seeds and Your Metaphorical Seeds Spark the Surge of In-spiring Solar Futures!