
Transcend and Subsume Cosmo-Theology 0 God-Math is systems of the OmniSelf Meta-Physics 1 Information is systems of God-Math Physics 2 Energy is ordered by systems of Information Chemistry 3 Matter is systems of Energy Biology 4 Life is systems of Matter Psychology 5 Your Mind is systems of Life Sociology 6 This Society is a system of Minds Ecology 7 An Ecosphere is systems of Societies Gealogy 8 The Earth is systems of Ecospheres Sology 9 Our Solar System is systems of Planets Milkology 10 Our Milky War Galaxy is a system of Solar Systems Astronomy 11 Our Universe is a system of Galaxies Biography 12 One Man is a system of our Universe History 13 Past Memories are systems of Individual Experience Semantics 14 Present Symbols are systems of Past Memories Tectology 15 Phuture Creations are systems of the Present Symbols Cosmo-Theology 16 God-Math is systems of Phuture Creations Systems Of Present Symbols are systems of Past Experience God-Math is systems of Present Symbols Information is systems of God-Math Energy is ordered by systems of Information Matter is systems of Energy Life is systems of Matter Your Mind is systems of Life This Society is a system of Minds An Ecosphere is systems of Societies The Earth is systems of Ecospheres Our Solar System is systems of Planets Our Milky War Galaxy is a system of Sol Art-Systems Galactic Clusters are systems of Black Star Systems Our Universe is a system of Galactic Clusters Wo-Men are systems of The Universe One Wo-Man is a system of Wo-Men The OmniSelf is a System of One Whoa-Man Phuture Creations are systems of the OmniSelf Past Experiences are systems of Phuture Creation The Holonic Mesh of Omnology Subjective experience is communicated in Art Ideal knowledge is embedded in Objective science Objective science measures quarks and electrons The quarks are embodied in proton/neutrons The photons and phonons are embodied in an electron. All is quarks and electrons. Quarks and electrons are embodied in an atom. Atoms are embedded in molecules. Molecules are embedded in DNA DNA is embedded in the organelles Organelles rest in the nucleus The nucleus is embedded In the cell The cell is embedded in the tissue Tissue embedded in organs Organs embedded in organ systems Organ systems embedded in organism. Organism embedded in family. Family embedded in social group religion/race/nation Social group embedded in civilizations Structural civilization embedded in the human global organism Gorganism embedded in the ecosphere Ecosphere embedded in the geosphere Geosphere embedded in solar sphere Solar sphere embedded in galactic sphere Galactic Sphere is embedded in the universal sphere. The universal sphere is embedded in the individual The individual sphere is embedded in GOD GOD is embedded in history The history is remembered in past memories. The past is embedded in the present meaning. The present is embedded in future goals. The future is anticipated by combining subjective experience Subjective experience is embedded with objective knowledge To produce omnijective value-creating organizations. Called Business. PhuSion11- Our Hu-Manly Needs 1. BEING - Body - Hunergy AetherSet Existence Sacred Geometry Design Organization 2. PHONERGY - Energy - Solergy Plasma Light Ning Fire Warmth Heat Orgasm Heart Blood Heraclitus 3. OXYGEN – Divine Spiritual Spark - Winergy Nitrogen Air Gas Respiration Lungs Respiration Electrify 4. WATER - Universal Liquid - Watergy Thalean Pania Poseidon Ultimate Liquid UniSolvent Circulatory 10 P + 8 N+ 10 E 5. FOOD - BioFuel - Biergy Solid Sustenance Body Earth Milk Pasta Vitamins Fruits Eating 6. Security Layers - Protection Skin Nails Clothes Hair Blankets Houses Automobile 7. MOVEMENT - Sport Sports Muscle Exercise Spiral Force Power Control Exertion 8. PURIFICATION Excretion Destruction Immune Purify Waste Management Shis spit 9. SLEEP = Rejuvenating Dreams Intermission Rest Brain Reset Reflection Rejuvenate Refresh 10. NXFU = SEX = SLOVE Creation Merging Integrating Unified Duality EVOLOVE Vida Guerra 11. TECHNOLOGY - Mind Memory Anticipative Thought Knowledge Focused Consciousness Language Society The 25 Bottom Up Levels of Being aka The 25 Classes of Organized Being Eric and Linda Lionardo tracing their daughter Diana’s development in a Comparative Studies class at Ohio State University. 0:::::::Alphoid – The NonDual Absolute Material Existence- Light Energy - MeX Fu 1. Phonergy- Phil Quark Nooty Chaordic Positron Barry Bond DarkAntiMatter Chaos 2. Atomic- Paul Elle Hydro Nolan Lith Barry Boron Carbon Nitro Oxy Americium 3. Molecular- Quantum Tribe Collaborations: Diamond Sugar Salt Bucky-Ball Water 4. Oligomeric Structure- Amino/Nucleic Acids GlySeen Glutamate UraSill CytoSeen 5. Polymeric Organization- alphaNA Spiral Tubes Design in FAT Protein Membranes Basic LifeForms – EVOLOVE - Diana- LuFu 6. Proto Life Viral Replication Genes Membrane Mito B LUCA Sperm/Egg 7. Archaea 1st BioDomain Independent Entity NXFU = Sex RNA DNA OrGaCepTionN 8. Soul Witness SatoriGreenPeace SolaPlanta Cedar Buckeye GaeLung Emma Neuroelectric behavior iNFu eNFoo bInFu - GiNFu 9. Bacteria Work/Production Neural Coordination Cilia Fetus 10. Eukarya Reptile RunEatMate Past Sensory Motor Brainstem DinoBirds Infant 11. Mammalian Present Emotional Dharma MidBrain Memory Cortex Prediction Toddler MindStates - Manipulating Personified Self Consciousness – MuFu/ HuFu 12. TechnoHomoSape Ethical Anticipative Language NeoCortex Civilization Kid 13. Mindful Control Self-Regulation Transcendent PFC 4th brain Adolescence 14. Spirit Faith Fueled One Loving Red Heart 5th brain PowerDrive Chi Adult Catharic Choices of Individuals– Causing Dual Esoteric Continuum H1 oR L0? ELU EVERYTHING is composed of these two. Unavoidable. Action/Reaction is the law of the Universe. Change is the only constant. Your environment is a main factor, but the ultimate control is what you choose: everything you think, everything you say, every action you undertake. J Positive or negative? Dark or light? On or Off? Yes or no? Good or Evil? Love or Hate? 15. Dynamic Create Extropy Pleasure ShaktElectrik Blue Yellow NXFU Active SpoE One 16. Static Destroy Entropy Pain AntiMatter Death Purple Orange Red MADD Zero Exoteric External Energetic Harn Esotha Capability Force Control SocioTechnoPower DuFu These levels measure the amount of Leverage one manifests over the external universe (XFU). 17. 0‡1K On Mother Earth – Turquoise Sphere The Gorporate Gorganism 10^16 Watts 18. Father SunSeed 2Ka – Orange Flame SoLucifer SouLsion10^26 Watts 19. 3Kar Milky Way - Black Hole Andromeda Hoover Galaxy Hoover 10^36 Watts 20. 3.5Karc SuperCluster- Red Quasar Cloud 10^46 Watts 21. Known Universe GoDrooFu – White Hole 4Kard Big Bang MindOmega 10^56 Watts Kardic Speculation SpooFU This section is named after the Kardashev scale, which measures civilizations’ energetic use. Right now, humans are on 0.75 on a scale from 0 to 7. 22. 5Karda MegaPluralMultiVerse 5Karda Fractal Wormholes Branes Confuniverse 23. 6Kardas PanHyperSuperUltraTrans God Overmind Ultimate Cause Alpha Merica 24. Infinity Sideways 8 IaMsHe Seven different categories of Being Classes: Eric eXFu- Dead Matter (CAPIM‡Physics) Linda LuFu- Animated Life (biology) Diana Nfu- Body Behavior (Physiology) David Spoey HuFu- Mind Blade (Psychology) Melinda ELU- Dual Choice (Economic Ecology) Katabaz DuFu- TechnoLeverage (Sociology- PsiArs) Eva SpooFu- Kardashevic Imagination (CosmoTheology Arz Philosophy Information Math- CAPIM) Art is Consciousness Communicating Systems of Experience PsiEnz begings with Math/Informatics/Philosophy studies Foundations and Forms (MetaPhysics, Ontology, and Epistemology) = Systems of Ideas Nuclear Physics studies Quanta (Photon Phonon Proton Electron) = Systems of Phonergy Chemistry studies Elements (Hydrogen, Carbon, Oxygen) = Systems of Quanta Physical Chemistry studies Molecules (N2, NaCl, sugar) = Systems of Elements Organic Chemistry studies Oligomers (Glycine, Uracil) = Systems of Molecules BioChemistry studies Polymers (Proteins, Fat, Sugars, AlphaNA) Systems of Oligomers Virology studies Virii (HIV, rhinovirus, influenza) Systems of Replicating Parasites Molecular Biology studies Basic Life Cells (Archaea, Bacteria) Systems of Self-Replicators Eukaryology studies Eukaryotes (SolaPlanta, reptiles, mammals) Botany studies SolaPlanta (trees, grass, algae) Systems of SolaPlanta Cells Neurobiology studies Neurons (pyramidal, bipolar, mirror) Coordinated BioElectroChemical Systems Reptilogy studies Reptiles (copperhead, cobra, dino-birds) Egg-Laying Reproductive Systems Mammalogy studies Mammals (babboons macques humans dogs) Hairy Milking Live-Birthing Reproductive Systems PsychoBiology studies Progressive awareness/being/existence: 1Virus - Germ Cells (sperm/egg) 2Archaea - Conception SolaPlanta - Embryo 3Bacteria - Fetus - Ganglion 4Eukarya/Reptile - Infant - BrainStem (past- sensory motor) Mammal - Toddler - MidBrain/Cortex (present- memories) TechnoSapian - Child - NeoCortex (future - anticipative/prediction) Mindful Control - Adolescence - PreFrontal Cortex (4th Brain - Meta-Programmer) SpiritPhuel - Adult - Heart (5th Brain - Self Power) Each instant unfolds the continual potential of your creation. You choose self-created options of good and evil, creation and annihilation, life and death, light and dark. Economics studies The Value Systems of 6.7 billion human fuel cell choices Sociology studies societies (Global) System of Economic Minds Ecology studies Holistic BioChemistry Of interacting Earthly systems Geology studies the Life, Spawn, and Death of Earth. Heliology studies Our Solar System Astronomy studies Our Universe Cosmology studies The Omniverse CosmoTheology studies the creator of The OmniVerse Biography studies One Human Story You or Me or Abe Lincoln Anthropology studies All Human Stories OmniHuman History studies Past Memories Semiotics studies Present Meaning Metology studies Future Anticipation of the Consciousness (Art) and the Foundational Forms (Math, Information, Philosophy) And now we are back Where we started. Everything is artistically contained in your consciousness. ] 0. Cosmotheology tells us ALL is sHeIaM (GOD) TIME Omnity QUALITY 1. Meta-Physics tells us ALL is Trans-Phormation---Mathions Philosophy TIMESPACE QUANTITY 2. Physics tells us ALL is Omnergy---LEM Wave Packets in Omnedium like Electron/Quark TIMESPACENERGY SPONERGY 3. Chemistry tells us ALL is Material Elements--- complexes of Omnergic entities like Carbon TIMESPACENERGYMASS 4. Biology tells us ALL is Organic LIFE-- Self-generating Systems like Bacteria TIMESPACENERGYMASSLIFE 5. Psychology tells us ALL is Intelligent Mind---Self-Aware Information Systems like Men MUG = MindUniverseGod 6. Sociology tells us ALL is TechnoSocial-- Mind Interactions 7. Ecology tells us ALL is Nature-- Interdependent BioChemical Cycles 8. Geology tells us ALL is EARTHLY-- Giant Spinning Rokorb (Nature's SETship) Rokorb = rock orb SET = Space Energy Time 9. Heliology tells us ALL is Solar-- INORGANIC POWER SUPPLY aka fiery ball style Generates helium, the noble product of hydrophusion. 10. Milkology tells us ALL is Galaxic-- Black Hole = QuarkSun 11. Omnology tells us ALL is Universal. to master omnology, wouldn't that be to master yourself? Magnophi In fact I think its going to be everything is free in America for everyone. I am merely pointing out a holistic scientific pathway, beginning with the form of abstract ideas in such fields as math, information, logic, and philosophy. After philosophy and metaphysics progresses into empirical/physical science, beginning with the bits of matter composing protons and neutrons, progressing to 110+ chemical elements of the periodic table, next into the self-replicating biological polymers of cells (poly-saccharides/peptides/nucleotides), then progressing to mindful psychobiological individuals, who interact to produce social systems, which in turn are components of global ecological systems, including the biosphere of earth, which has evolved over 3.7 billion years. #passoionplanet


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