Welcome to Omni's Age of Omni's Parks 1.Sam Smyth & Abby Stone & Isabel Welderu omnithrillogy Let's reverse this to the beginning of the storyThis is the story of Sam Smyth, the student-cum-Uber-driver-cum-billionaire-cum-fugutive. it all started with one Uber ride! CBradio App / dark web of text / carTalk it all started with one idea. if your magic powerful enough to wire this. if your magick is adept enough to read this, then keep reading. it all started with one breath, one deep breath at a stoplight. the girl in the Keep driving next to me made it happen. abbey road rage story 4sbs it all started with twone song sporemedy seo-futuristic metatronic rap aka good shits SPORRAN - scottish pouch with pockets Writing Sam Smyth's dark web of text CherryTag / CarTalk / CBRadio / pointalk intersectalk interactag - coordinapp laplayapp Personally I think that the most meaningful moments of life occur by the process of artistic creativity, or by the appreciatio...
What are OmniWands? 1. The Perfect PROP 2. EQUIPMENT for WAND-SPORTS 3. COMFORT TOOLS 4. LEARNING TOOLS 5. PROMOTIONAL SWAG 6. CHERISHED CARRY-ABLE COMPANIONS 7. COLLECTIBLES 8. MEMENTOS for events 9. SOUVENIRS for places 10. GIFTS for any occasion 11. MARKETING PLATFORMS 12. ADVERTISEMENTS you never throw away 13. UNIQUE ARTWORKS One of a kind Pieces 14. TIME CAPSULES 15. COLOR THERAPY 16. TOUCH THERAPY 17. COMFORT TOOLS 18. FUNCTIONAL KEYCHAINS 17. IoT DEVICES Portable &Phone-pairable 18. SPIRITUAL REMINDERS 19. FASHION ACCESSORIES 20. PORTALS to the METAVERSE 21. CONVERSATION STARTERS 22. A GEM COLLECTION IN A STICK/ROD 23. META-JEWELRY for the palm of your hands 24. BELOVED TOYS for CHILDREN 25. Moni-Wands as a Store of Value / Currency 26. WAND DREIDELS @omnispo 12/12/12 27. WAND-DICE for Divination ...