Who is The OmniSpo?
HSHMSOURCE Is The OmniSpo internet of Spo-Transportation - electro-magnets / self-driving cars smart shelters / domes / homes / castles / businesses / rooms / buildings / skyscrapers FOOD FOREST Franchise - The SunRoom Corporate Chain of Franchises! -Solaroofs biological energy: all food crops/staples - community gardens / community supported agriculture -agriculture / permaculture / biodynamic gardens / greenhouse aeroponics / hydroponics - hemplastics / hemphibers / hempolymers FOOD!! organics / veganics / grass-fed / natural / permaculture / edible gardens / polyculture local agriculture - polyculture - Worm castings (for integrated pest management) common and rare fruits and veggies and fungi and natural living products Examples: Coffee - Hemp - Flax - Oats - Granolas - Algae Cultivate the most valuable living organisms in humane eco-sea-stems eco-domes / spomes / biodomes / geo-domes / seadomes food forests / permaculture classes - susta...